Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Father's Eyes

Today is Father's Day. For me, this is a happy occasion. As I get older, I realize more and more how very, very fortunate I was in my draw of parents. I have friends and associates whose luck was more - well, let's be kind and say "varied" in that department.

I resemble my mother in a lot of ways, but when people who know my father first meet me, they almost always burst out with, "You have your father's eyes!" Now, that's an understandable reaction, since both my father and I have bright blue eyes with a distinctly darker blue ring around the iris that really makes our eyes "pop" amongst our features. It's a little unusual and that's what people are referring to. At least, that's what I think.

But I know what I secretly hope they're referring to.

For an explanation, I have to go to my list of Things I've Learned From My Dad. This list is still under construction, as my dad is a smart cuss and I keep adding items to the list. However, among the items on the list are:
  • Pretty's nice; smart's better.
  • It's not unladylike to know how to change a tire.
  • While we're on the subject, don't ride the clutch.
  • When buying anything, always ask, "What's the best you can do?" You might be surprised.
  • It's okay to make mistakes - and it's much better than not trying.
  • When you make a mistake (and you will), own up to it and do your best to fix it.
  • Be polite to everyone. Saying "sir" and "ma'am" might be old-fashioned, but it's in style around here.
  • You've got advantages a lot of other people don't have and you got them mostly through other people's hard work. Don't look down on anybody. No one has the right to do that; you just know it 'cause I've told you.
  • If you can help someone out, do it, even if it inconveniences you a little.
  • Life is hard and you never know what demons someone else is fighting, so be kind whenever you can.
Based on this list, yeah - I do hope I have my father's eyes. For this is how my dad views the world. It's rough out there and compassion is in short supply. Look at the other person as an actual person and react with gentleness whenever you can. Take a breath, smile, and remember that at the end of the day, we're all just doing the best we can.

Thanks, Dad.


Librarian Who said...

I love your dad!

Unknown said...

love that granddaddy Bob! :-)