I am pleased to report that, after about a week and a half of otherworldly-based drama, my trusty car seems to be completely free of fairy infestation! (If this seems like a confusing statement, please read the previous entry on this blog. Recapping would be tedious.)
Fairies or no, loyal Hunter now sports a new thermostat, fuel pump, timing belt and a host of other, more minor, repairs. My checking account is considerably lighter but, in my experience, if one owns a car, one must make repairs at some point.
Sigh. If only the state would pass a budget. With a big, honkin' raise for me in it.
But it makes for a good story and that's very nearly worth it.
So life in a small Southern town continues. It's high summer now, which means dripping humidity and breathtaking heat. This is offset by the fact that the farmers' market is in full swing, so heirloom tomatoes and Silver Queen corn are there for the picking. (Only not literally, as the picking is done for you!) Berries (both black and blue) are widely available and yummy-delicious homemade fried pies beckon. That doesn't help my campaign to work off my version of the "English pounds" I gained during vacation (no regrets there - fresh scones with clotted cream are worth a few extra laps once you get home!), but what's a Mockingbird to do? Summer passes so quickly.
And let's not discuss the proliferation of "back to school" sales in July. It's just not American. I say enjoy the final few weeks of summer. Because, be it work or vacation, it's still summer. And summer, like fresh corn, is a fleeting thing.
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